WB | Clinical Welcomes new Pharmacy Clinical Consultant

Oct 24, 2018

Elaine Strauss

WB | Clinical, a division of WorkingBuildings is proud to announce and welcome Elaine Strauss, PharmD, MS as the Company’s Pharmacy Clinical Consultant. Dr. Strauss will be responsible for working with Health System Pharmacy Clients on USP <797>, <795>, and <800> compliance projects. Specifically, she will be partnering with our pharmacy clients on the development of pharmacy compounding standard operating procedures (SOP) and staff training to ensure compliance with all applicable pharmacy regulations.

Dr. Strauss is a well-known figure within the Health System Pharmacy Leadership Community. She joins the WB | Clinical from Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was the Pharmacy Operations Manager of Compounding Services. In this role, she was responsible for daily operations and ensuring the safety, compliance, and quality of all hazardous and non-hazardous inpatient pharmacy compounding. During her tenure, Dr. Strauss made numerous workflow and operational improvements and led initiatives related to pharmacy compounding, SOP development, and staff training on cleanroom garbing and cleaning. Previously, she served as Manager of Operations at Forbes Hospital and Clinical Manager at West Penn Hospital, both part of the Allegheny Health Network (AHN) in Pittsburgh, PA. In these roles, Dr. Strauss was responsible for daily pharmacy operations, cleanroom oversight, medication safety, staff training, and clinical program development. During her tenure with AHN, she successfully oversaw the pharmacy team implementation of a new electronic health record and medication barcode scanning system, led pharmacy clinical policy and protocol development, and designed a discharge medication delivery program.

“My career has been focused on enhancing health system pharmacy operations and ensuring patient safety within my own institutions and I am thrilled to now share my experience with WB | Clinical.”
