Georgia Tech - The Kendeda Building

for Innovative Sustainable Deisgn

Project Description

Once completed, The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design is expected to become the most environmentally advanced educational and research facility of its kind in the Southeast. It is anticipated that the project will achieve Living Building Challenge 3.1 certification in 2021. To be certified under the Living Building Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements known as Petals over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy and operations.

WorkingBuildings provided pro-bono commissioning services to meet the requirements to achieve LEED certification. This included services for EA Prerequisite 1, Fundamental Commissioning and EA Credit 3, Enhanced Commissioning.

An existing warehouse was renovated to fit the organization’s mission, program goals and concern for the environment. The building is a former industrial facility that was fully renovated to provide office space, and features a solar hot water heater and stormwater retention provisions. The facility is designed to encourage alternative transportation via bicycle and foot, and it features planned courtyards and walkways to promote tree plantings in line with the organization’s area of dedication.

The project was awarded the AIA Committee on the Environment Grand Award at the Greenprints Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. We achieved a 71% energy savings compared to ASHRAE 90.1-2004 through energy modeling developed with eQuest simulation program (10 Points in Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1 LEED NCv2.2).


Location: Atlanta, GA

Size: 12,000 SF

Status: Complete

Services: Commissioning

Features: Roof Garden, Roof Deck, 460,000 gallons of water harvested per year, 50,000 gallon cistern, 176 person auditorium, rainwater catchments, and photovoltaic canopy.