University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

North Campus, Phase 5
LEED NC v2 Gold

Project Description

The first building of a new complex on open land adjacent to the current UTSWMC North Campus Biomedical Research Complex, this 12-story biomedical research tower includes 10 floors of biomedical research laboratories, vibration sensitive laboratories, academic space, and two levels of mixed support and mechanical services. Each typical lab floor can accommodate up to eight principal researchers and their staff. The modular design of the building and systems allow for easy conversion of the entire facility into research laboratories. The project includes a thermal energy plant renovation, vehicle and pedestrian bridges to connect new building to existing complex and site utilities.


Location: Dallas, Texas

Size: 328,398 SF

Status: Complete

Services: Commissioning

Features: BSL-3, ABSL-3, Research Tower, and Vibration Sensitive Laboratories